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Reclaim your Health and True Beauty with 5FACES

Reclaim your Health and True Beauty with 5FACES

For years, people have understood that regular exercise regimens and healthy eating routines are the keys to maintaining a youthful, healthy and fit body. However, when it comes to face care, people falsely believe they have no control over the aging process unless they resort to injections. This couldn’t be further from the truth!

We are just beginning to embark on revolutionary face care that challenges the established ideology and face care treatments, including Botox and fillers. 5FACES founder, Helen Day, is leading the change with her proprietary, holistic, 5-step protocol based on her education in physiotherapy and acupuncture.

Revolutionary Face Care: Beauty Without Injections

It’s time we understood a radiant, ageless face is completely within our means with revolutionary face care. In today’s culture, injectables have become increasingly popular. It’s even gained popularity among younger patients due to targeted marketing tactics. More and more patients are undergoing injectables under the false pretense that it will delay the aging process.

In actuality, injectables are an unnatural process that will accelerate the natural process of muscle atrophy and wrinkle formation in the face. Injectables temporarily paralyze muscles causing the surrounding muscles to work harder in order to support the face.

Injectables cause your muscles to become more vulnerable to sagging than with natural aging and weakens muscles since they are no longer able to contract on their own. As a result, wrinkle formation in those areas accelerate and reinforces the look of wrinkles and aged-looking skin.

The injections themselves offer temporary relief, which means patients are required to continually visit their practitioner for injections in a never-ending and counterproductive process.

Face Care is More Than Skin Care

At 5FACES, we don’t believe that the marketing tactics and solutions offered up by large corporations are fair or just.

Our face care protocol is a revolutionary and natural alternative that offers natural, healthy, long-term results. The goal is to educate our clients on how to care for the health and shape of their face on their own for long-term ageless results.

We empower our clients by giving them the techniques to reclaim their health and their true beauty, one step at a time. With these techniques, clients have everything they need to develop their own daily practice and tackle the health of the face.

Face care is more than skin care. Just like exercising and eating healthy, face care and the health of your face is more than the skin. And there’s no quick fix.

The 5FACES Philosophy

5FACES was developed with the belief that there had to be a healthy long-term alternative to Injectables. In a society that is largely dominated by toxic face care procedures and greedy big businesses, 5FACES is reclaiming control over our bodies and faces.

It’s time we understood a radiant, ageless face is completely within our means with revolutionary face care. At 5FACES, the goal is to educate our clients on how to care for the health and shape of their face on their own.

We empower our clients by giving them the techniques to reclaim their health and their true beauty, one step at a time. Just like having a personal trainer, these techniques provide clients have everything they need to develop their own daily practice and maintain the true health of their faces. Get so much further when you’re doing techniques – just like exercising and eating healthy: need both for optimal results.

With 5FACES face care techniques and the fundamentals, you have the power to reclaim your health and complete your own repair work at home. Call  1 403-703-8725 to begin your revolutionary face care journey with 5FACES.

  1. […] 5Faces is a revolutionary face care program designed to help clients reclaim their health and their true beauty, one step at a time. Just as we are taking back our bodies and our own self-determination, we are taking back our faces. Our process helps each client discover what it means to have a youthful, radiant and healthy face. […]

    Pingback by 5Faces Protocol – Kelowna Beauty Blog on October 12, 2018 at 6:46 pm
  2. […] Botox and fillers. 5FACES founder, Helen Day, is leading the change with her proprietary, holistic, 5-step protocol based on her education in physiotherapy and […]

    Pingback by Reclaim your Health and True Beauty with 5FACES - Kelowna | 5FACES on October 18, 2018 at 10:43 pm

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